we each draw our own conclusions according to our individual free will
Spike Tassel
JoinedPosts by Spike Tassel
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 inhttp://scc.lexum.umontreal.ca/en/2009/2009scc30/2009scc30.html.
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew
by Spike Tassel inhttp://www.search-the-scriptures.org/hebrew_new_testament.htm.
Spike Tassel
607 BCE is not how anyone at the time would have spoken of it, for starters. Actually, anything BCE is historically anachronistic.
WTBT Corporation is not a legal name. The contributors draw from their own spirits, whether ultimately from Jehovah or Satan, or a mix of both.
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/godsnameabsent.htm.
Spike Tassel
the qualifiers with Alpha and Omega show who's who
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 inhttp://scc.lexum.umontreal.ca/en/2009/2009scc30/2009scc30.html.
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
Spike Tassel
This is true. The One has been around forever, and that is what matters. Let God be found true, even as every imperfect being may be proved wrong from time to time.
proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew
by Spike Tassel inhttp://www.search-the-scriptures.org/hebrew_new_testament.htm.
Spike Tassel
Jehovah constitutes the acceptable Source, plain and simple. Let God be found true, even if everyone else may be proved wrong from time to time.
proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew
by Spike Tassel inhttp://www.search-the-scriptures.org/hebrew_new_testament.htm.
Spike Tassel
logic is how reasoning is done
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/godsnameabsent.htm.
Spike Tassel
it's buyer beware, for sure.
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 inhttp://scc.lexum.umontreal.ca/en/2009/2009scc30/2009scc30.html.
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
Spike Tassel
We each must live in the skin we're in.
proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew
by Spike Tassel inhttp://www.search-the-scriptures.org/hebrew_new_testament.htm.
Spike Tassel
Jehovah is the Source of all righteous judgment. We will see. Meanwhile, the grammar of much of it, the names of many, and the quotes of much of it is that of the OT. That much we can be quite certain of.
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 inhttp://scc.lexum.umontreal.ca/en/2009/2009scc30/2009scc30.html.
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
Spike Tassel
Jehovah is the proper Source as to what freedoms are allowed. We each reap as we each have sown. We each have free will and must use it responsibly.